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to ordinary questions on life,

the world and reality.




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We are a broken and a somewhat recluse bunch but our eccentricities don’t define us, our Humanity does. The years of anguish, inquiry and collaboration is the providence of our knowledge, ideas and goals. We have paved the way to a source of knowledge which can change all our lives. It is from a dedicated struggle that we are born anew.

About us, and the world around us.

Novadawn is the proverbial line in the sand. If we continue to ignore reason or remain indifferent, the future at ground level will be cold and harsh. Novadawn presents a stream of knowledge which qualifies who we are, from a perspective of consciousness that defines truth in a world which has lost its way.

Knowledge within the context of Natural law examines a world, that could only come to exist by way of order and Design. Our thinking is a small reflection of who we are, it is more so a measure of the things that have failed us.

Natural Law defines our relationship with consciousness. Creation has intent and Natural Law is in essence a message of reason.

The basic tenets of natural law affirm the only privilege we have is the knowledge we share: that mitigates difference, maintains equality and serves the greater good.

Our Reality is a measure of awareness. There are two conscious perspectives of reality that we should know, that of the Soul and of Spirituality. Without balance our Soul will never reach Spiritual awareness, which is a knowing, a conscious state which realises truth ahead of thought.

It is difficult to imagine such insight when we are so out of balance and dysfunctional, but It is real, as is Divine Intelligence.

Our Soul makes sense of the world by the particular Virtues which define our Innate instinct i.e. our character. Virtues are in two categories, primal and evolutionary. The main difference being that primal virtues (PV), are biased. Evolutionary virtues (EV) are universal and resolute.

It is only from an unbiased understanding of reality that we acquire Higher reasoning which synchronize both biological and psychological elements of our being in the process of evolution. Primal virtues confound evolution and are responsible for the dysfunction and entropy of body and mind.

The spirit is an eternal source of energy which animates life and consciousness, at lower frequencies it binds the physical world. Spirit is our connection to divinity, to God. True spiritual awareness is attained by the evolution of Soul. In a mortal world we have a responsibility to understand Reality and Know our place, to make sense of who we are, otherwise we are fractured into groups and tribes of varying beliefs and loyalties, never knowing our true purpose or potential.


                                                               An Outline Of Things To Come

                                                             It is Spirit which animates life and Consciousness

All consciousness expresses itself intuitively, the fundamental purpose of intuition is to reflect our virtues, our soul into the world as our own Reality Perspective -> Our sensibility and insight into human nature and reality.

The innate instincts are our primal and evolutionary virtues that manifest feelings and emotions. Feelings are thought and intuition, emotion is the reaction and the experience.

When the body is infused with spirit our innate instinct and senses coalesce to create sentience giving rise to the Soul. Our intuitive perspective i.e. our feelings(thought and intuition) interact with reality and our Soul Consciousness(SC) takes its first steps. The journey begins. Note; If Primal virtues are biased, then intuition is distorted as is Reality perspective. 

The Soul represents the spiritual aspect of awareness related to consciousness. The Mind is the contemporary definition of the same with focus on the Biological, Psychological and emotional aspects which influence our consciousness. Respectively our senses interact with reality, we feel by way of thought and intuition and for the most part emotions guide our reactions and experience.

                                                                                       Misleading definitions

If we feel calm, we may feel the emotion of joy, in truth we can’t feel an emotion, we can only experience it. The sensation is the feeling that evokes thought/intuition which precede the emotion. It is a fundamental mistake to think we can feel an emotion, we need to take a few steps back!

By formal definition we define feeling as an emotional state, this is not true. Emotions are an experience, and they are part of our ongoing empirical journey of life’s experiences, these are the events that should help empower our Evolution.

Feelings are how we reason, the emotion that comes from feeling is the experience which in this example is the lesson(if any) and the emotion of joy.

Intellect has little to do with humanity and our indifference empowers it because we know no better. As Humans we should be Intelligent.

Where intuition fails intellect dominates, intellect is a tool. We take for granted many things, and have remained spiritually unchanged for the best part of our existence, in fact it is our soul i.e. our innate instincts which have remained unchanged. True Spirituality is a state of consciousness we are yet to understand.


Creation has natural order. We need to know the rules to reach higher levels of reason so that we rise above primal consciousness which has disorientated our Humanity. Virtues of primal consciousness are simply out of balance, they are virtues only in theory, in practice they serve any belief system. 

Virtues by definition have universal value or goodwill but in reality we reason virtues our own way depending on culture and beliefs. In truth virtues have a far greater purpose. Humanity has only ever understood Virtues as qualities for good but do not see that in their balanced state without bias they coalesce into the higher virtues and a higher state of mind.

At present the qualities which define our humanity are much like convenient truths which accommodate what we prefer to believe. Evolutionary virtues are incorruptible, because they are designed by Universal Truths. There is a natural order of things we need to understand. 


                                                                                 All the Difference

Familiarity, self worth and security may evoke the Primal and subjective virtue of loyalty, but loyalty is not an evolutionary virtue, it does not have the wisdom of integrity, to know better, much like bravery is not in the same league as courage, one is predominantly biological the other is also mindful. Primal consciousness is rife with virtues that satisfy by way of biased feelings.

When Primal virtues are in balance they coalesce to manifest universal Goodwill and Humility. From this point we begin to reason higher virtues and Rise above Primal Consciousness on our path to aligning our intuition and understanding our Spiritual selves.

Many who have seen this world for what it really is, who are closer to knowing Gods Will, have fallen, turn away, or held down to never get back up. Part truths impart values that fear wisdom, we need to know and build on universal truths, or the best of us, will forever be victims and outcasts. (In memory of Nick R )

Knowing better can be a heavy burden, and the futility of truth, is evident in a world of such conviction and diversity. So many Minds come to believe in one thing or another, which has made for a complicated world. We live in dangerous times.



Divine authority would not create us, so as to demand our love and divide us according to our beliefs. If we are made in Gods image, HE would rejoice in our creativity not delight in the contempt we have become capable of. We must see, that beyond the welfare and respect we should wish on all things, including ourselves, is the realization that we are expected to know better.  

Until we know our place and purpose, half truths will rule with disparity in all things. The Prophets, did impart wisdom, wisdom which is written and accessible within all Three Abrahamic Religions including many other beliefs which intersect. We need to take into consideration the thinking of any belief that can add to truth.



Evolution has been waiting a long time for humanity to take its rightful place on its ladder. The value of evolution is not steeped in technology, It is a knowing, an insight into mind, human nature and God. We can only evolve by an implicit understanding of reality or we will never truly know our purpose. This knowledge is well within our reach.


Building from Truth!


Soul consciousness (SoulC) deals with the character, the qualities of our innate instinct that make us who we are, how we perceive ourselves and the world around us, i.e. our Reality Perspective. No matter our differences we are entrusted with finding balance or our intuition will remain biased and distorted.


The gift of intuition is inherent within all of us, but it is has become an abomination of it`s true self and isolated our humanity from a universal knowledge. We have created a world of intellect and contradictions where we are likely to feel with our minds and reason with our hearts.

If intuition is biased we accommodate half truths, Soul consciousness will never know any better and spiritual consciousness will remain in the realms of Religion.

We are so much more than we understand or are led to believe. Follow us on our journey of discovery, Please subscribe.

In Conclusion

Superficial values have a tendency to attach themselves to our virtues, distracting our humanity. If mass consciousness remains ambivalent to truth, the evolutionary path of our species can be altered by way of contemporary values, instead of what best fits our humanity. This is why it is so important to understand the true nature and potential of who we are, and the virtues that should empower our thinking and design our future.

Natural law lays the foundation for personal and spiritual growth.

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